Ich lernte Guru Gian über einen kostenlosen online Workshop kennen und fühlte mich von seiner Ausstrahlung, Authentizität und Power sofort angezogen. Die Möglichkeit mein geliebtes Kundalini Yoga mit Coaching zu verbinden fand ich reizvoll. Kurzer Zweifel kam auf, ob die Ausbildung für mich passend ist, da sie komplett auf Englisch stattfindet. Da ich in dem Workshop sehr gut folgen konnte, obwohl ich seit der Schule mein Englisch nicht mehr genutzt hatte, war der Zweifel direkt weg. Zudem bietet die online Ausbildung den Vorteil, dass alles aufgezeichnet wird und somit jederzeit die Möglichkeit besteht, die Inhalte nochmal im eigenen Tempo nachzuschauen. Das war für mich aufgrund meiner gesundheitlich herausfordernden Situation ein großer Vorteil! Neben dem spirituellen Wachstum hat mich die Ausbildung auch auf meinem Heilungsweg sehr positiv unterstützt.

Wenn du mehr über diese Ausbildung erfahren möchtest, lies gerne weiter unten oder kontaktiere mich persönlich. 

Tatjana Gluth


Ich lernte Guru Gian über einen kostenlosen online Workshop kennen und fühlte mich von seiner Ausstrahlung, Authentizität und Power sofort angezogen. Die Möglichkeit mein geliebtes Kundalini Yoga mit Coaching zu verbinden fand ich reizvoll. Kurzer Zweifel kam auf, ob die Ausbildung für mich passend ist, da sie komplett auf Englisch stattfindet. Da ich in dem Workshop sehr gut folgen konnte, obwohl ich seit der Schule mein Englisch nicht mehr genutzt hatte, war der Zweifel direkt weg. Zudem bietet die online Ausbildung den Vorteil, dass alles aufgezeichnet wird und somit jederzeit die Möglichkeit besteht, die Inhalte nochmal im eigenen Tempo nachzuschauen. Das war für mich aufgrund meiner gesundheitlich herausfordernden Situation ein großer Vorteil! Neben dem spirituellen Wachstum hat mich die Ausbildung auch auf meinem Heilungsweg sehr positiv unterstützt.

Wenn du mehr über diese Ausbildung erfahren möchtest, lies gerne weiter unten oder kontaktiere mich persönlich. 

Tatjana Gluth

Kundalini Yoga Coaching Online Training

How to become the Best Version of Yourself & a Wildly Successful Kundalini Yoga Coach with
Well-paying Happy Clients

ENROLLMENT OPEN TILL September 26th 2024

15 years

1-on-1 coaching experience using Kundalini Yoga


experienced the transformative power of this training


hours invested in learning Kundalini Yoga & Coaching to create this training

You have been practicing Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for a while now. And you feel its effects and the enormous potential.

But how to integrate this new energy and consciousness in your life? What to do with it? 

Jasper Kok (Guru Gian), lead trainer

You have been practicing Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for a while now. And you feel its effects and the enormous potential.

But how to integrate this new energy and consciousness in your life? What to do with it? 

Jasper Kok (Guru Gian), lead trainer


1. Become the Best Version of Yourself through Kundalini Yoga & Coaching

If we want to help our clients to become the best version of themselves we first must work on becoming the best version of ourself first. The most important first client is YOU! You will become the best version of yourself through a combination of (self-)coaching and the practice of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. You learn how to do a 40 or 90 day Kundalini Practice combined with the best coaching techniques like visualisations, affirmattions and intention setting. You learn how to conquer your mind and keep your thoughts healthy, happy and pure.  You learn to motivate yourself to take actions and move out of your comfortzone. You start to trust your intuition and your innerself and your actions will move naturally from the inside.

2. Become a Great Coach

Coaching is an art and can be learned. You learn the best coaching principles, mindsets, frameworks and techniques from the worlds leading coaches. You will know exactly what to say and when to listen and when to ask questions. 

As you become a great Kundalini Yoga Coach you also learn how to hold the energetic space and how to use your presence while coaching.

As a Kundalini Coach you stand out among the coaches. People will feel safe and relaxed in your presence. 

You use the power of your word to change peoples destiny. 

You learn everything on how to change unhealthy destructive habits into positive constructive life-force enhancing habits. 

You learn how to hold people accountable so that they learn how to walk the talk.

You will also learn how to do a professional intake in which you build rapport and trust with your client and get clarity on what they want from life and how Kundalini Yoga and Meditation can serve them with it.

3. Become Successful with Happy Clients

A coach without clients is not a coach!

You learn exactly written word-for-word scripts so you can say the right words when you are in a conversation with a client. Of course after a while you develop your own coaching language, but it is very helpful to start with pre-written scripts. 

In order to become successful we need to understand the value we provide for our clients. You learn to value yourself so that it becomes natural to ask for good prices for your services.

This part of the training will give an enormous boost to your self-esteem and have helped many coaches, therapists and yoga teacher become more prosperous.

You also learn how to create Kundalini Coaching programs that literally sell themselves as you tune them with your client to their deepest needs. 

You also learn how to market yourself fearlessly. 

1. Become the Best Version of Yourself through Kundalini Yoga & Coaching

If we want to help our clients to become the best version of themselves we first must work on becoming the best version of ourself first. The most important first client is YOU! You will become the best version of yourself through a combination of (self-)coaching and the practice of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. You learn how to do a 40 or 90 day Kundalini Practice combined with the best coaching techniques like visualisations, affirmattions and intention setting. You learn how to conquer your mind and keep your thoughts healthy, happy and pure.  You learn to motivate yourself to take actions and move out of your comfortzone. You start to trust your intuition and your innerself and your actions will move naturally from the inside.

2. Become a Great Coach

Coaching is an art and can be learned. You learn the best coaching principles, mindsets, frameworks and techniques from the worlds leading coaches. You will know exactly what to say and when to listen and when to ask questions. 

As you become a great Kundalini Yoga Coach you also learn how to hold the energetic space and how to use your presence while coaching.

As a Kundalini Coach you stand out among the coaches. People will feel safe and relaxed in your presence. 

You use the power of your word to change peoples destiny. 

You learn everything on how to change unhealthy destructive habits into positive constructive life-force enhancing habits. 

You learn how to hold people accountable so that they learn how to walk the talk.

You will also learn how to do a professional intake in which you build rapport and trust with your client and get clarity on what they want from life and how Kundalini Yoga and Meditation can serve them with it.

3. Become Successful with Happy Clients

A coach without clients is not a coach!

You learn exactly written word-for-word scripts so you can say the right words when you are in a conversation with a client. Of course after a while you develop your own coaching language, but it is very helpful to start with pre-written scripts. 

In order to become successful we need to understand the value we provide for our clients. You learn to value yourself so that it becomes natural to ask for good prices for your services.

This part of the training will give an enormous boost to your self-esteem and have helped many coaches, therapists and yoga teacher become more prosperous.

You also learn how to create Kundalini Coaching programs that literally sell themselves as you tune them with your client to their deepest needs. 

You also learn how to market yourself fearlessly. 

Sandra Med-Schmitt



"Over the last 6 years i transformed my business from an arts and crafts studio into a yoga studio and becoming a 500h yoga teacher with focus in therapeutic yoga and yoga coaching. Teaching yoga and give yoga coachings 1:1 was exactly what i wanted to to and what i love to do. The only thing was that my classes were booked quiet good but the coachings only were a nice add-on. I could not imagine that the coachings could become my main income.

The first part of the KYC training started and i could feel from the beginning that i was complete at the right place. Guru Gian lifted the whole group up with his energetic but calm nature. You can feel that he owns what he says, that he is an 100% autentic person and he is totally related (committed) to his teachings.

This gave me an idea of how i wanted to be as a coach and as a learning and teaching individual.

After this first part of the training I was much more focussed and powerful in my everyday life and in my work. My students got influenced by this positive energy and came even more often to the classes. At the same time my coachings started to bloom and without my intervention i could count 12 intakes during 11 month. 9 of them became clients, 5 of them for a 10 week program and 4 of them became long term clients.

Then the 2nd part of the training was a huge step towards to develop from a coach to an distinctive coach. Of course i still have to learn. I still do mistakes. I am not a perfect coach. But this is not my goal. Guru Gian helped me to discover a power which is much more vigorously than being perfect. It is the power of empathy, love and commitment."

Sandra Med-Schmitt



"Over the last 6 years i transformed my business from an arts and crafts studio into a yoga studio and becoming a 500h yoga teacher with focus in therapeutic yoga and yoga coaching. Teaching yoga and give yoga coachings 1:1 was exactly what i wanted to to and what i love to do. The only thing was that my classes were booked quiet good but the coachings only were a nice add-on. I could not imagine that the coachings could become my main income.

The first part of the KYC training started and i could feel from the beginning that i was complete at the right place. Guru Gian lifted the whole group up with his energetic but calm nature. You can feel that he owns what he says, that he is an 100% autentic person and he is totally related (committed) to his teachings.

This gave me an idea of how i wanted to be as a coach and as a learning and teaching individual.

After this first part of the training I was much more focussed and powerful in my everyday life and in my work. My students got influenced by this positive energy and came even more often to the classes. At the same time my coachings started to bloom and without my intervention i could count 12 intakes during 11 month. 9 of them became clients, 5 of them for a 10 week program and 4 of them became long term clients.

Then the 2nd part of the training was a huge step towards to develop from a coach to an distinctive coach. Of course i still have to learn. I still do mistakes. I am not a perfect coach. But this is not my goal. Guru Gian helped me to discover a power which is much more vigorously than being perfect. It is the power of empathy, love and commitment."


The best way to build a daily Kundalini Yoga practice for yourself and your customers

  • 4 ways to choose the best kriya for your client (or for yourself)
  • Specific instructions on how to overcome blocks in your yoga practice (which you can also share with your future clients)
  • A modern way to learn Kundalini Yoga step-by-step so that you can feel its effects immediately (learning to build the Kundalini Energy slowly is an important skill to have as a Kundalini Yoga Coach)
  • Make a connection with the spiritual tradition of the Kundalini Yogis, so infinity supports your development
  • etc.

The Essential Elements of Successful Coaching

  • The 30 most important principles of a successful coach
  • When to ask a question and when to remain silent in a coaching conversation (applying this technique will improve your relationship with your clients so that they will feel heard and understood)
  • The number 1 question successful Kundalini Yoga Coaches ask their clients to get them in their right mindset if they get stuck (you can improve on this coaching techniques by using a specific centering tool that we will share in the training
  • How to access your own inner voice as an important coaching tool (and how you can use this with your clients)
  • etc.

How to integrate Kundalini Yoga into your coaching practice

  • How to use your applied neutral mind in a coaching conversation to find the right yogic technique to share with your clients
  • What are the best parts in your coaching conversation where you can integrate Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and how this improves the energy and flow in a conversation (with 1 unexpected place where I do a specific Kundalini Meditation to help clients break through blocks)
  • A special 4 part Kundalini Yoga sequence you can use with all your new clients that will give them a direct experience and will only take 10 minutes to complete (I have used this sequence now for over 10 years with my clients and it has helped even the most stiff or stubborn client appreciate yoga)
  • 53 Kundalini Yoga and meditation exercises so you know an appropriate yogic answer to every coaching question
  • A simple but powerful yogic technique from Yogi Bhajan to overcome your limiting thoughts
  • etc.

How to add self-coaching techniques to your own Kundalini Yoga practice

  • How to enhance your Kundalini Yoga Practice with Self-Coaching Techniques so that your practice will support you in manifesting your best life (this 1 add-on to my practice have made me and my students much more productive and successful in life)
  • The 18 most important self-coaching questions, so you can convert your inner critic into an inner coach
  • How to magnetize your being so that your clients can find you and you have the courage and attitude to allow success in your life
  • How you can use your intuition in a practical way
  • etc.

The key Role of a Thoughtfully Written Intake Form

  • The fully scripted intake interview so you do not have to sell a coaching program, but your client will want to work with you 
  • How to create clients as a starting coach

    • The most important mindsets so you coach with pleasure and confidence, and dare to ask for money for your coaching.
    • How you can value yourself so that you do not give a way everything for free but also do not charge such high prices that you do not belief you can deliver your results (we use a valuation and pricing strategy that comes from our inner being and alligns with who we are and were we want to go)
    • How to find your first paying Kundalini Yoga Coaching clients and how you can give them a great Kundalini Coaching experience without being salesy or pushy
    • The 4 essential steps to create clients as a starting coach, without having to know much about marketing or websites
    • etc.


    The best way to build a daily Kundalini Yoga practice for yourself and your customers

    • 4 ways to choose the best kriya for your client (or for yourself)
    • Specific instructions on how to overcome blocks in your yoga practice (which you can also share with your future clients)
    • A modern way to learn Kundalini Yoga step-by-step so that you can feel its effects immediately (learning to build the Kundalini Energy slowly is an important skill to have as a Kundalini Yoga Coach)
    • Make a connection with the spiritual tradition of the Kundalini Yogis, so infinity supports your development
    • etc.

    The Essential Elements of Successful Coaching

    • The 30 most important principles of a successful coach
    • When to ask a question and when to remain silent in a coaching conversation (applying this technique will improve your relationship with your clients so that they will feel heard and understood)
    • The number 1 question successful Kundalini Yoga Coaches ask their clients to get them in their right mindset if they get stuck (you can improve on this coaching techniques by using a specific centering tool that we will share in the training
    • How to access your own inner voice as an important coaching tool (and how you can use this with your clients)
    • etc.

    How to integrate Kundalini Yoga into your coaching practice

    • How to use your applied neutral mind in a coaching conversation to find the right yogic technique to share with your clients
    • What are the best parts in your coaching conversation where you can integrate Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and how this improves the energy and flow in a conversation (with 1 unexpected place where I do a specific Kundalini Meditation to help clients break through blocks)
    • A special 4 part Kundalini Yoga sequence you can use with all your new clients that will give them a direct experience and will only take 10 minutes to complete (I have used this sequence now for over 10 years with my clients and it has helped even the most stiff or stubborn client appreciate yoga)
    • 53 Kundalini Yoga and meditation exercises so you know an appropriate yogic answer to every coaching question
    • A simple but powerful yogic technique from Yogi Bhajan to overcome your limiting thoughts
    • etc.

    How to add self-coaching techniques to your own Kundalini Yoga practice

    • How to enhance your Kundalini Yoga Practice with Self-Coaching Techniques so that your practice will support you in manifesting your best life (this 1 add-on to my practice have made me and my students much more productive and successful in life)
    • The 18 most important self-coaching questions, so you can convert your inner critic into an inner coach
    • How to magnetize your being so that your clients can find you and you have the courage and attitude to allow success in your life
    • How you can use your intuition in a practical way
    • etc.

    The key Role of a Thoughtfully Written Intake Form

  • The fully scripted intake interview so you do not have to sell a coaching program, but your client will want to work with you 
  • How to create clients as a starting coach

    • The most important mindsets so you coach with pleasure and confidence, and dare to ask for money for your coaching.
    • How you can value yourself so that you do not give a way everything for free but also do not charge such high prices that you do not belief you can deliver your results (we use a valuation and pricing strategy that comes from our inner being and alligns with who we are and were we want to go)
    • How to find your first paying Kundalini Yoga Coaching clients and how you can give them a great Kundalini Coaching experience without being salesy or pushy
    • The 4 essential steps to create clients as a starting coach, without having to know much about marketing or websites
    • etc.


    For everyone who wants to deepen their Kundalini Yoga experience

    For yoga teachers who would like to work 1-on-1 with people

    Yoga teachers who already work 1-on-1, but want to become more successful in this

    For everyone who wants to deepen their Kundalini Yoga experience

    For yoga teachers who would like to work 1-on-1 with people

    Yoga teachers who already work 1-on-1, but want to become more successful in this

    People who want to become a spiritual coach

    Anyone who wants to handle spirituality in a practical way

    Yoga teachers and coaches who want to increase their income

    People who want to become a spiritual coach

    Anyone who wants to handle spirituality in a practical way

    Yoga teachers and coaches who want to increase their income



    12 Masterclasses (between 60 and 120 minutes) on becoming a successful Kundalini Yoga Coach

    Every other week you will receive a pre-recorded Masterclass that you can watch at your own time. In this masterclass we go deep on the different themes in our training. You will receive an energetic transmission of the material plus you will learn the best mindsets, techniques and tools to transform yourself and your clients with Kundalini Yoga and coaching. Some of the themes we pursue are: How to build a solid and flexible Kundalini Yoga practice for you and your clients, how to coach yourself and your clients to the best versions of themselves, the basic building blocks of coaching, how to start coaching now without having experience, how to do a professional intake so that people want to be coached by you, how to structure long-term kundalini coaching packages, how to do follow up sessions, how to help people move through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, how to integrate Kundalini Yoga in your coaching session, how to set up your coaching business and more.

    Bi-Weekly new Transforming Kundalini Yoga Sequences and Meditations

    Every other week you will receive a new specially created sequence of Kundalini Yoga by Guru Gian, or a regular kriya and meditation from the Kundalini Yoga tradition. All these videos are pre-recorded on high quality video material so you can do them any time you want. As Guru Gian is teaching these classes himself you will receive a powerful energetic transmission that you can share with your (future) clients and that will help you to raise your frequency during the day.

    12 Powerfull Groupcoaching sessions with Guru Gian

    Every week one week after the Kundalini Yoga Coaching Masterclasses we have a groupcoaching of 120 minutes with Guru Gian. These so called "Mastery" sessions help you to go deeper into the material, will help you to go through blocks and support you in implementation. Also there is room for questions and aswers. 

    Here you find the dates of the groupcoaching Mastery sessions. All sessions will recorded so if you cannot join it is not a problem!

    All meetings will be Wednesdays mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 (Central European Summer Time - GMT+2)

    Dates of the Mastery Sessions:

    4/9 NB! session will be 11.00-13.00) - Pre-gathering: Introduction to the course and setting your personal Intention 

    25/9,  9/10,  23/10,  6/11,  20/11,  4/12 (NB! session will be 11.00-13.00),  18/12, 15/01, 29/01, 12/02, 26/02, 19/03

    30 days Awaken the Coach in You program

    In the first 30 days of this course you will receive EVERYDAY a video of Guru Gian sharing with you a coaching principle that will awaken the coach in you and build a solid coaching foundation in 30 days. Learning these 30 coaching principles will transform you from a novice coach to an expert coach, and from an average coach into a great coach. Off course you will have also lifetime access to this part of the course. 

    12 week Foundational Kundalini Yoga Course

    Every other week (bi-weekly) you will receive a video of Guru Gian and some of his co-teachers explaining you core concepts from Kundalini Yoga like the origin of Kundalini Yoga, the most important breathing techniques, the importance of using bhandas, the magic of mantras, the science of kriya yoga and much more. It is a small scale Teacher Training to get you ready sharing Kundalini Yoga if you are not a teacher yet, and give you a more balanced approach to Kundalini Yoga if you are a traditionally taught KRI teacher. All these Teachings and techniques you will learn you can share with your clients. 

    6 Months Buddy Support Group & Certificate

    You can follow this course alone or you can choose to be in a buddy group of 3-4 of your fellow students. It is optional so choose what you prefer. You can indicate this after you have subscribed for this course. A buddy group can help you hold accountable, you can practice the coaching techniques together and in a buddy group you can support each other in going through blocks. A buddy group is also the best place to practice all the beautiful coaching techniques you will learn. Very helpful and highly recommended. 

    At the end of this course you will receive the certificate of Kundalini Yoga Coach


    12 Masterclasses (between 60 and 120 minutes) on becoming a successful Kundalini Yoga Coach

    Every other week you will receive a pre-recorded Masterclass that you can watch at your own time. In this masterclass we go deep on the different themes in our training. You will receive an energetic transmission of the material plus you will learn the best mindsets, techniques and tools to transform yourself and your clients with Kundalini Yoga and coaching. Some of the themes we pursue are: How to build a solid and flexible Kundalini Yoga practice for you and your clients, how to coach yourself and your clients to the best versions of themselves, the basic building blocks of coaching, how to start coaching now without having experience, how to do a professional intake so that people want to be coached by you, how to structure long-term kundalini coaching packages, how to do follow up sessions, how to help people move through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, how to integrate Kundalini Yoga in your coaching session, how to set up your coaching business and more.

    Bi-Weekly new Transforming Kundalini Yoga Sequences and Meditations

    Every other week you will receive a new specially created sequence of Kundalini Yoga by Guru Gian, or a regular kriya and meditation from the Kundalini Yoga tradition. All these videos are pre-recorded on high quality video material so you can do them any time you want. As Guru Gian is teaching these classes himself you will receive a powerful energetic transmission that you can share with your (future) clients and that will help you to raise your frequency during the day.

    12 Powerfull Groupcoaching sessions with Guru Gian

    Every week one week after the Kundalini Yoga Coaching Masterclasses we have a groupcoaching of 120 minutes with Guru Gian. These so called "Mastery" sessions help you to go deeper into the material, will help you to go through blocks and support you in implementation. Also there is room for questions and aswers. 

    Here you find the dates of the groupcoaching Mastery sessions. All sessions will recorded so if you cannot join it is not a problem!

    All meetings will be Wednesdays mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 (Central European Summer Time - GMT+2)

    Dates of the Mastery Sessions:

    4/9 NB! session will be 11.00-13.00) - Pre-gathering: Introduction to the course and setting your personal Intention 

    25/9,  9/10,  23/10,  6/11,  20/11,  4/12 (NB! session will be 11.00-13.00),  18/12, 15/01, 29/01, 12/02, 26/02, 19/03

    30 days Awaken the Coach in You program

    In the first 30 days of this course you will receive EVERYDAY a video of Guru Gian sharing with you a coaching principle that will awaken the coach in you and build a solid coaching foundation in 30 days. Learning these 30 coaching principles will transform you from a novice coach to an expert coach, and from an average coach into a great coach. Off course you will have also lifetime access to this part of the course. 

    12 week Foundational Kundalini Yoga Course

    Every other week (bi-weekly) you will receive a video of Guru Gian and some of his co-teachers explaining you core concepts from Kundalini Yoga like the origin of Kundalini Yoga, the most important breathing techniques, the importance of using bhandas, the magic of mantras, the science of kriya yoga and much more. It is a small scale Teacher Training to get you ready sharing Kundalini Yoga if you are not a teacher yet, and give you a more balanced approach to Kundalini Yoga if you are a traditionally taught KRI teacher. All these Teachings and techniques you will learn you can share with your clients. 

    6 Months Buddy Support Group & Certificate

    You can follow this course alone or you can choose to be in a buddy group of 3-4 of your fellow students. It is optional so choose what you prefer. You can indicate this after you have subscribed for this course. A buddy group can help you hold accountable, you can practice the coaching techniques together and in a buddy group you can support each other in going through blocks. A buddy group is also the best place to practice all the beautiful coaching techniques you will learn. Very helpful and highly recommended. 

    At the end of this course you will receive the certificate of Kundalini Yoga Coach


    Guru Gian (Jasper Kok, PhD) is a professional Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Coach for more than 15 years. Committed to sharing the Great Teachings from the Yogic Tradition in a modern safe coaching environment. Jasper has coached thousands of people in his private practice and in his programs to a more conscious and fullfilling life and lifestyle. 

    Next to his international coaching practice, Jasper is the founder of the Kundalini Yoga Club, the largest Dutch Kundalini Yoga online platform with more than 20 different courses and 20 different teachers. He has created and shared the Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 & 2 training since 2015 in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. 

    He wrote a Dutch book about Kundalini Yoga called the Kundalini Yoga (R)Evolutie which is now translated in English under the title The Kundalini Effect. 

    Jasper is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and also a certified E-RYS 500 Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainer and has an RYS-200 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training and has now also started a 300 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training level 2 training in the Netherlands.

    After his PhD in Business Economics he keeps on researching independently in the roots of the Yogic Tradition studying the many yogic lineages and sharing them without dogma or cult worship.

    He lives at the sea in the Netherlands with his love and his daughter. 

    Jasper Kok (Guru Gian), lead trainer


    Guru Gian (Jasper Kok, PhD) is a professional Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Coach for more than 15 years. Committed to sharing the Great Teachings from the Yogic Tradition in a modern safe coaching environment. Jasper has coached thousands of people in his private practice and in his programs to a more conscious and fullfilling life and lifestyle. 

    Next to his international coaching practice, Jasper is the founder of the Kundalini Yoga Club, the largest Dutch Kundalini Yoga online platform with more than 20 different courses and 20 different teachers. He has created and shared the Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 & 2 training since 2015 in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. 

    He wrote a Dutch book about Kundalini Yoga called the Kundalini Yoga (R)Evolutie which is now translated in English under the title The Kundalini Effect. 

    Jasper is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and also a certified E-RYS 500 Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainer and has an RYS-200 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training and has now also started a 300 hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training level 2 training in the Netherlands.

    After his PhD in Business Economics he keeps on researching independently in the roots of the Yogic Tradition studying the many yogic lineages and sharing them without dogma or cult worship.

    He lives at the sea in the Netherlands with his love and his daughter. 

    Jasper Kok (Guru Gian), lead trainer

    Guru Gian is registerd as a E-RYT 500 which means that he is formally accredited to run RYS-200 & RYS-500 Teacher Trainings. 

    Gian Institute is the educational institute run by Guru Gian and his co-teachers. It is a certified RYS-200 school.

    Gian Institute is also an official educational institute recognized by the CRKBO. Which implies that we are exempted from paying taxes. 

    Guru Gian is registerd as a E-RYT 500 which means that he is formally accredited to run RYS-200 & RYS-500 Teacher Trainings. 

    Gian Institute is the educational institute run by Guru Gian and his co-teachers. It is a certified RYS-200 school.

    Gian Institute is also an official educational institute recognized by the CRKBO. Which implies that we are exempted from paying taxes. 




    Are you ready to become the Best Version of Yourself?

    Do you want to become a successful Kundalini Yoga Coach with happy and well paying clients?

    Then we invite you to join this amazing 6-month ONLINE Kundalini Yoga Coaching Training with LIFETIME ACCESS.

    It includes all my experience of the last 15 years working successfully 1-to-1 with clients with the aid of coaching techniques and Kundalini Yoga techniques. Off course you learn the right mindset, the right tools, the right exercises and meditations, but most importantly you learn from my experience. I had to overcome many blocks and insecurities within myself and the combination of Kundalini Yoga & Coaching is really the reason for whom I am today. 

    Even if you do not want to become a coach this will probably be the best spiritual and professional educational program you have gone through. I dare to say that because my students have told me so. 

    Adding coaching to your Kundalini Practice will probably be the most important decision of your life. Because the coaching will empower you to be the Best Version of who you are. Not of who you think you need to be!

    Off course the results will not be there immediately. You need to work. But we have created the course in such a way that the structure and the accountability will really help you to make it happen.

    Please make use of this beautiful opportunity and let yourself be empowered and inspired.

    Blessings to you.

    Sat Naam,

    Guru Gian & Team Kundalini Yoga Club


    I have invested more than 20.000 hours in learning Kundalini Yoga & Coaching and have done more than 20 trainings in these fields.

    Your investment for this 6 months course on how to become the Best Version of Yourself and Become A Successful Kundalini Yoga Coach with Happy and Well-Paying Clients is normally €2497. This includes LifeTime Access to the content of the course. But...
    € 1797,-


    However, when you book early you will receive a €700 discount. So the price of the course is not €2497 but only €1797.

    The introductory price of €1797 includes 3 amazing Bonuses with a value of over €5000!




    We have some special BONUSES especially for the ONLINE Kundalini Yoga Coaching Training. We offer these bonuses because they will help you become even more successful and fulfilled as a human being and as a Kundalini Yoga Coach.

    BONUS 1. Tantric Nummerology (value €1500)

    In this special training that starts after the regular Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 training you will learn how to use the Tantric Numerology in your coaching. The Tantric Numerology is part of the Kundalini Yoga tradition and is based on the Teachings of our Ten Energetic Light Bodies of Consciousness. Through a person's date of birth you will learn some great insights into your clients personality and challenges. 

    You learn how to use the Ten Bodies numerology so that you know exactly who your client is, what challenges them, what their potential is and what they need to go further on their path.

    The knowledge of this online training was originally the core of the Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 2 training. And you will receive all this information as a Bonus. It will help you stand out among the other coaches. Plus you will learn a lot about yourself.

    This training includes basic information about the Ten Bodies, their karmic and dharmic expression, how to calculate the numbers, how to interpret them and how to explain them to your clients.


    BONUS 2. 365 days of Kundalini Yoga Mastery (value €1199)

    In this new English edition of the immensely popular Dutch year program of the 365 Days of Kundalini Yoga Mastery you will understand and master the Ten Bodies in a year. With 12 monthly masterclasses of 1-2 hours, 24 groupcoaching sessions and monthly new kriyas and meditations on video by Guru Gian specific to one of the Ten Bodies, you will experience your own ten bodies. The program starts January 11th 2025 and is untill December 31st 2025. It is a perfect complement to the Tantric Numerology course that you will also receive as a bonus.

    BONUS 3. Lifetime Access to the International Kundalini Yoga Club (value >€2500)

    You will receive LifeTime Access to the Kundalini Yoga Club. In this online platform (with an handy app) you will find a whole library of Kundalini Yoga Kriya & Meditation videos by Guru Gian and other curated Kundalini Yoga Teachers. With monthly new videos you will always have new kriyas and meditations to practice yourself and to share with your clients. An invaluable asset that you can use for the rest of your yogic life.

    Yes I want this SPECIAL OFFER with BONUSES and pay not €2497 but only €1797 

    Yes I want this SPECIAL OFFER with BONUSES and pay not €2497 but only €1797 


    "One of the best things I ever did for myself"

     I can recommend this to anyone interested to coach themselves and others. Beautiful mixture of yogic knowledge and practices and coaching strategies and approaches. Designed and taught by Jasper Kok this is a truly unique training and experience. That my doula business and family café are becoming a reality is in large part because of this training!

    Amrit Dev Kaur Khalsa - Yoga teacher, Teacher Trainer, Doula, Entrepreneur
    "It was fantastic!"

    Where at first I thought I was only going to learn how to coach others, I mainly learned how to coach myself better. Not only with coaching techniques, which you learn to apply immediately, but also through the reflection of the other coaches. It gave me an enormous amount of energy, inspiration and commitment to do what I really enjoy.
    Frank, Financial Director
    "I feel so happy and grateful"

    Guru Gian teaches with deep respect and immense knowledge and also from his heart. He gives you all the principles and techniques you need. I enjoyed the training and feel enormously grateful. I can not only coach myself well, but also others because now I really know the power of Kundalini Yoga.
    Barbara, PR-director


    "One of the best things I ever did for myself"

     I can recommend this to anyone interested to coach themselves and others. Beautiful mixture of yogic knowledge and practices and coaching strategies and approaches. Designed and taught by Jasper Kok this is a truly unique training and experience. That my doula business and family café are becoming a reality is in large part because of this training!

    Amrit Dev Kaur Khalsa - Yoga teacher, Teacher Trainer, Doula, Entrepreneur
    "It was fantastic!"

    Where at first I thought I was only going to learn how to coach others, I mainly learned how to coach myself better. Not only with coaching techniques, which you learn to apply immediately, but also through the reflection of the other coaches. It gave me an enormous amount of energy, inspiration and commitment to do what I really enjoy.
    Frank, Financial Director
    "I feel so happy and grateful"

    Guru Gian teaches with deep respect and immense knowledge and also from his heart. He gives you all the principles and techniques you need. I enjoyed the training and feel enormously grateful. I can not only coach myself well, but also others because now I really know the power of Kundalini Yoga.
    Barbara, PR-director

    Yes I want this EARLY BIRD offer and pay not €2497 but only €1797 

    Yes I want this EARLY BIRD offer and pay not €2497 but only €1797 

    Interessierst du dich, ob dieses Kundalini Yoga Coaching-Training zu dir passt? Oder bist du einfach neugierig, mehr zu erfahren?

    Dann kontaktiere Tatjana über WhatsApp oder rufe sie an +49 173 6227795

    Tatjana Gluth


    I can't participate in everything, is that a problem?

    No, this programme is set up so that you can do it at your own pace. Everything is recorded and you can go through it at your own pace. You keep access to the lessons for life

    Will I still have access to all the information and videos after this year? 

    Yes, you just keep access to the online environment with all the videos and all the recordings after the year. It is a great resource for your whole life.

    I don't have much Kundalini Yoga experience yet. Is this what for me?

    Yes it is. After this year you will understand much better what Kundalini Yoga is about and its potential. And because you will also learn coaching skills you will deal with yourself much better. We believe it is better to learn Kundalini Yoga in a coaching context than a dogmatic old-fashioned teacher-student relationship. As a coach, you use words and your own experience as influence and not your position.

    I already have a lot of experience. Is this still interesting for me?

    Yes! If you already have a lot of Kundalini Yoga experience and you are adding coaching skills, then you have a great offer for your own students.

    I am already a Kundalini Yoga teacher. Does it make sense to become a Kundalini Yoga coach?

    Absolutely! You learn to share Kundalini Yoga in a much gentler way. You also learn to match the needs of your students much better. And you become a much more fun and successful person!

    Is this training certified?

    Yes, this training is part of Yoga Alliance YACEP program, which means that we are a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. The yoga part of the training counts for 40 hours. Which is enough for your 30 hours of Continuing Education that you must attend every 3 years if you are a member of Yoga Alliance. 


    I can't participate in everything, is that a problem?

    No, this programme is set up so that you can do it at your own pace. Everything is recorded and you can go through it at your own pace. You keep access to the lessons for life

    Will I still have access to all the information and videos after this year? 

    Yes, you just keep access to the online environment with all the videos and all the recordings after the year. It is a great resource for your whole life.

    I don't have much Kundalini Yoga experience yet. Is this what for me?

    Yes it is. After this year you will understand much better what Kundalini Yoga is about and its potential. And because you will also learn coaching skills you will deal with yourself much better. We believe it is better to learn Kundalini Yoga in a coaching context than a dogmatic old-fashioned teacher-student relationship. As a coach, you use words and your own experience as influence and not your position.

    I already have a lot of experience. Is this still interesting for me?

    Yes! If you already have a lot of Kundalini Yoga experience and you are adding coaching skills, then you have a great offer for your own students.

    I am already a Kundalini Yoga teacher. Does it make sense to become a Kundalini Yoga coach?

    Absolutely! You learn to share Kundalini Yoga in a much gentler way. You also learn to match the needs of your students much better. And you become a much more fun and successful person!

    Is this training certified?

    Yes, this training is part of Yoga Alliance YACEP program, which means that we are a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. The yoga part of the training counts for 40 hours. Which is enough for your 30 hours of Continuing Education that you must attend every 3 years if you are a member of Yoga Alliance. 

    I have already done the Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 (and 2) with you in Schoorl. Is this training still interesting for me?

    Yes, it is. There are people who have done level 1 with me three times because they learned so much from it. At the same time, these are also the people who have become very successful coaches themselves. Repetition is an important condition for mastery. And now with the online training, you can repeat it as often as you want and need to. 

    Can I make Kundalini Yoga Coaching my full-time job?

    Yes you definitely can. There are people who have made Kundalini Coaching their main job. Of course this requires commitment and perseverance. Fortunately, you also learn about that in this training.

    My English is not that good. Can I still participate?

    That depends. I don't speak complicated English. So if you can understand and follow me, you will be fine. You can coach in your own language and there are always people in the training who also speak your mother tongue. If you have any doubts, please contact us via contact@kundaliniyogaclub.nl.

    Can I just coach in my own mother tongue?

    Yes, you can. I also recommend that.

    Is it really possible to become a successful Kundalini Yoga Coach in 6 months?

    Yes it is possible to definitely make a good start with this. You have to see it more as that in this training the foundation is built and that over the years it grows into a successful coaching practice. 

    Can I also pay in parts?

    Yes you can also pay per month. Note: You sign up for a whole year. You cannot stop halfway through. Then the payment obligation remains. See the payment page for the various instalment amounts.

    I have already done the Kundalini Yoga Coaching level 1 (and 2) with you in Schoorl. Is this training still interesting for me?

    Yes, it is. There are people who have done level 1 with me three times because they learned so much from it. At the same time, these are also the people who have become very successful coaches themselves. Repetition is an important condition for mastery. And now with the online training, you can repeat it as often as you want and need to. 

    Can I make Kundalini Yoga Coaching my full-time job?

    Yes you definitely can. There are people who have made Kundalini Coaching their main job. Of course this requires commitment and perseverance. Fortunately, you also learn about that in this training.

    My English is not that good. Can I still participate?

    That depends. I don't speak complicated English. So if you can understand and follow me, you will be fine. You can coach in your own language and there are always people in the training who also speak your mother tongue. If you have any doubts, please contact us via contact@kundaliniyogaclub.nl.

    Can I just coach in my own mother tongue?

    Yes, you can. I also recommend that.

    Is it really possible to become a successful Kundalini Yoga Coach in 6 months?

    Yes it is possible to definitely make a good start with this. You have to see it more as that in this training the foundation is built and that over the years it grows into a successful coaching practice. 

    Can I also pay in parts?

    Yes you can also pay per month. Note: You sign up for a whole year. You cannot stop halfway through. Then the payment obligation remains. See the payment page for the various instalment amounts.



    I believe that people turn to Kundalini Yoga for two reasons: out of inspiration or out of despair. I came in despair. I have had back problems since I was eleven. I remember my mother being so surprised to see these problems with someone so young. The back pains varied in intensity over the years and reached their peak when I was 28.

    At the time I was working as a PhD student at the University of Maastricht. One evening I couldn't get up from my desk and a friend of mine had to carry me down the stairs to take me home. With some heavy painkillers and muscle relaxants, some beer and chips, I spent more than a week just lying in bed. Hardly able to be, I remember thinking in pure despair: "How is it possible that I have so little energy and why is my physical body such a mess at such a young age?" Now that I am writing this, I still feel grief in me.

    I believe the universe has responded to my desperate request. A few weeks later, when I recovered a little, the same friend asked if I wanted to come along to a yoga class. I thought it would be good for me to work on my physical body, so I went with him. It was a Kundalini Yoga class. Of course I found it a bit weird. I think we did the Ten Bodies kriya and the Kirtan Kriya (the Sa-Ta-Na-Ma made me feel like I was doing something occult). My friend asked me if we should continue with this. I hesitated a bit, but an inner voice said yes. So we went on. Sometimes weekly, sometimes we missed a few weeks, sometimes more than a few weeks. I think you know the dynamics of starting your practice.

    When I was 29, I gained my PhD and moved from Maastricht to Amsterdam to work as an economic advisor at the Economic Development department of the municipality of Amsterdam. My brother, who also started Kundalini Yoga after my enthusiasm, told me he went to an early morning training session called Sadhana in the center of Amsterdam once a month. I decided that I would accompany him on one of his sadhanas on Wednesday morning. But every time my alarm went off at 4 AM, I would snooze and decide to go another time. Weeks passed. One day my brother told me that the next morning a 40-day early morning Sadhana Challenge would start and he challenged me to join him.

    The next morning, instead of sleeping through, I jumped out of bed, stepped under the cold shower and cycled with my brother to the Sadhana in the center of Amsterdam. After doing the Sadhana group every morning for two weeks, I felt deep in my being that this could change the course of my life. So I made a commitment to follow this path. After 40 days I continued with Sadhana in the early morning and now more than 13 years later I still do my daily Sadhana. Not always in a group anymore (although I did that daily for the first 7 years) and not always so early (although always before breakfast) or so long (although I always do Japji, some yoga and some mantras). But I never miss a day. It has become my strongest life-enhancing habit and I am grateful for it.

    Not long after my first 40 days, I started the Kundalini Yoga teacher training and started teaching. I was ready for some new challenges in my life. At the end of 2009 I decided to quite my job as an economic adviser, I traveled to India and promised myself that when I came back, I would only earn my living by sharing yoga. And boy, how I was challenged in that dedication to myself. In 2010 I met my partner and she soon became pregnant. So now I had a growing family, no job, and only gave two yoga classes a week.

    My savings shrank quickly and before I knew it, we were in a financial crisis since my partner was unable to work due to her pregnancy. Fortunately people started asking me if I could also give private lessons (on a very limited scale I did that from 2008). So I started giving more private lessons. I asked € 45 for a private lesson of 90 minutes. And then €15 would go to the yoga studio owner. This gave me a little more income. Although the extra private customers brought in more money, it was still financially very difficult to make ends meet at the end of the month.

    I felt a calling to do more and I decided to give workshops. Giving workshops meant that I needed tot reach out. I was very shy by nature, so this was terrible for me. Although my students loved me, I didn't dare invite them to my workshops. My subconscious and my old programming created all kinds of doom scenarios with people who didn't like me, people who said no, people who thought: who do you think you are to give Kundalini Yoga workshops. There was a strong opposition in me, but the urgency was big enough to face these fears and to continue anyway.

    Through self-coaching and the skills to go reach out (and of course my dedication to the practice of Kundalini Yoga) I always had full workshops. My interaction with clients and students was much more relaxed and effective. I saw so many people change their lives for the better through Kundalini Yoga and Coaching. So I decided to create a program called Kundalini Yoga Coaching in which I could share my positive experiences with daily Kundalini Yoga and the enormous positive effect of (self) coaching with others.

    On a higher level this decision has brought me many things. I started by compiling two manuals with on the one hand the best of Kundalini Yoga (the teachings, exercises, kriyas and meditations), and on the other hand the best of coaching and self-coaching. When both manuals were completed and printed, I remember clearly that one evening I felt the presence of Yogi Bhajan so close. I felt him smiling and that gave me the final push and the confidence that what I was doing was good, and that I had the Golden Chain to support me.

    In my research about coaching  I discovered (well, it felt more like it was given to me as a gift from the Universe for taking this bold step) a very good coaching business model based on long-term programs and an intake. I immediately felt this was an important missing link in my 1-on-1 work with clients. I felt goosebumps and shivers all over my body. I was determined to teach this part also, so I had to try and experience it first

    So I decided to give away 10 yoga coaching sessions for half the price (normally € 120, now € 60). Then it was my intention to offer them a 6-month yoga coaching program for € 1.250. Because I had never asked for more than € 150 for a 2-hour session, this amount of money made me very nervous. A whole new level of subconscious scarcity programming came to the surface. Who did I think I was to ask for so much money? My subconscious mind fired very nasty thoughts at me. You are a traitor, a thief, how can you request these amounts?

    Again, my level of commitment to growth was stronger than my subconscious, and with 8 out of 10 intakes I dared to make my offer (believe me this didn't feel natural - this was a new skill far beyond my comfort zone). Three of the eight decided to follow the 6-month coaching program (2 decided to participate in in an other training of mine). I was so excited to serve people for 6 months and earned € 3.750 in that week (three programs for € 1.250). An incredible amount of money after all those years of financial scarcity. I loved it.

    Of course, the dynamics changed by coaching people for 6 months. I needed different coaching skills to guide them through their resistance and difficult moments, but I quickly felt familiar and at ease. Having more time and space took the pressure away. There was more time to process and go through blockages. I started seeing the steps my coachees could take, the transitions and transformations they made and the tremendous value they would have if they were coached. Most people also had no problems making the financial commitment.

    So I thought it would be good to raise my prices and expand my comfort zone even further. So I gradually increased the rate. First it became € 1.500 for six months. Later €1.750, €2.500, €2.750, €3.000. And even € 5.000 and € 6.000 for a year. These higher amounts were usually for entrepreneurs or people who were reimbursed by their employer. I helped people who were on the brink of burnout, but also people who wanted to take their job, their company or their lives to the next level.

    The combination of Kundalini Yoga, the kriyas, the teachings and the Ten Bodies numerology combined with all the great tools of coaching, such as self-coaching, creating action plans, accountability, exercises for life and just asking and listening, proved incredibly valuable to people. In my Kundalini Yoga Coaching training I started to see that with every new training I was able to transfer the mindset and yoga coaching skills better and better. And my students became increasingly successful. I see starting yoga coaches who do intakes much easier than when I started and get all kinds of people in their yoga coaching programs. They and their clients are very satisfied with the results. I even see that people are already asking €2.400 for their first yoga coaching program that people say yes to.

    For me it's a miracle that unfolds. Students and clients get so many benefits by sharing Kundalini Yoga in a coaching framework. Fully respecting the integrity of the teachings and at the same time use the communication skills from the coaching tradition. Although more than 50% of my Kundalini Yoga Coaching students do the training to grow deeper in Kundalini Yoga and learn to coach themselves better, I enjoy it so much that other yogis become more successful, reduce their financial stress and more often enter this awareness of prosperity.

    Of course we don't do it for money, but healing our relationship with money is a powerful experience. It gives you more self-respect and freedom. It opens you to all possibilities (and of course also to distractions and temptations) to the outside world. Kundalini Yoga and Coaching feel very deep and loving for me. And the story continues to unfold as I coach more leaders in the professional world and now discover and develop my own business and leadership skills. Thank you for reading my story about how I became a Kundalini Yoga Coach with clients for whom I can make a difference.

    Inspired by Guru Gian's Journey?

    Join the course and shape your own

    Inspired by Guru Gian's Journey?

    Join the course and shape your own