What is Kriya ?
Sri Devi
What is Kriya ?
3 min


3 min


  • TIMING :16 - 36 minutes
  • LEVEL : Beginner level

Kundalini Yoga is a transformative practice that combines postures, breathwork, and meditation to awaken the dormant energy within us. This kriya for Elevation serves as an excellent tune-up for the body and mind. By systematically exercising the spine and enhancing the circulation of prana, this kriya helps balance the chakras and invigorate the entire being. Practicing this kriya for Elevation not only cultivates flexibility and strength but also promotes mental clarity and emotional stability.


Enhanced Flexibility: This Kriya focuses on the lower spine and sacrum, promoting greater range of motion and easing tension in daily activities.

Prana Circulation: The dynamic movements combined with breathwork help circulate prana throughout the body, revitalizing energy levels and enhancing overall vitality,  while also presenting a challenge that encourages you to push your limits and deepen your practice.

Chakra Balancing: This kriya’s systematic approach aids in balancing the chakras, fostering emotional stability and spiritual growth.

Nervous System Strengthening: Regular practice supports and strengthens the nervous system, building resilience against stress and promoting mental clarity.

Mind-Body Connection: By focusing on breath and movement, kundalini yoga practitioners cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies, leading to increased self-awareness and mindfulness,  making it a valuable addition to both online yoga practices and challenges.


Amid the whirlwind of lectures, clinical rotations, and endless assignments, I often found myself overwhelmed and drained. The demanding schedule of a medical student left little room for self-care, and I was searching for a way to recharge both my body and mind. One evening, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a post about Kundalini Yoga and its benefits for mental clarity and emotional balance. Intrigued by the vibrant images and testimonials, I decided to explore online yoga classes to give it a try.

Curious yet skeptical, I followed a guided video for the Kriya for Elevation. The blend of postures, breathwork, and meditation captivated me. I felt a surge of energy as I moved through the exercises, and for the first time in weeks, I experienced a profound sense of calm. The dynamic movements and focus on prana circulation invigorated me, boosting my energy levels and enhancing my mental clarity, qualities I desperately needed for my studies.

After a few sessions, I noticed significant improvements in my flexibility and emotional stability. I was able to handle stress more effectively, and my focus during study sessions sharpened remarkably. Excited about these benefits, I shared my experience with my fellow classmates, many of whom were also feeling overwhelmed.

To my delight, several of my peers decided to join me in trying out Kundalini Yoga. We formed a small Kundalini Yoga club, and they loved the challenge and the way it complemented our rigorous academic lives. Our yoga sessions not only helped us unwind but also fostered a supportive community among us. Everyone reported feeling more balanced, both physically and mentally, and we all agreed that integrating this practice into our routines was a game-changer.

Kundalini Yoga has since become an essential part of my life as a medical student. It’s not just a way to relieve stress; it has become a vital tool for maintaining my well-being. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for balance in their hectic lives, especially my fellow students navigating the challenges of academia. Whether through online yoga classes or in-person sessions, the benefits are undeniable . The sense of community within the Kundalini Yoga Club has been invaluable. 


By integrating this practice into our routines, we’ve created a space for growth, support, and well-being. I encourage anyone seeking balance and clarity to explore online yoga classes or join a local Kundalini Yoga club. Embrace the challenge, and you may find it to be a powerful ally in your journey, both academically and personally. I understand  taking care of myself is just as important as my studies,  my well-being deserves attention too.


